kritisk etnografi – Swedish Journal of Anthropology, 2024, Vol. 7, Issue 1 “Infrastructures and Environments in Late Industrialism”
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Introductory Note by the Editors-in-Chief
Sten Hagberg and Jörgen Hellman
Infrastructures and environments in late industrialism: An introduction
DOI: 10.33063/diva-544568
Chakad Ojani, Susann B. Ullberg and Asta Vonderau
Infrastructural repair, ruins, and caring for railway trains in late industrial Mumbai
DOI: 10.33063/diva-544569
Proshant Chakraborty
Gatekeeping fare collection in late industrial urbanity: Infrastructural labour in the gate milieu of the Stockholm metro
DOI: 10.33063/diva-544570
Jenny Lindblad
Tears of blood for the cracking city: Urban infrastructure of extraction and everyday life in Kiruna, Sweden
DOI: 10.33063/diva-544571
Elisa Maria López
Life in the ruins of a post-mining landscape: The co-constitutive character of human and non-human action in land restoration
DOI: 10.33063/diva-544572
Mareike Pampus